9 Reasons Your Toddlers Need Extra Care


Parents have a legal and moral responsibility to provide for the basic needs of their toddlers, including food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. They also have a responsibility to provide emotional support, guidance, and education. 

In addition, parents are responsible for ensuring their children are safe and protected from harm. This includes supervising their activities, monitoring their behavior, and teaching them right from wrong. Overall, being a responsible parent involves making decisions that promote the well-being and future success of their children.

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Toddlers are at an important stage in their development and need extra care to ensure they grow and develop properly. Here are 9 reasons why your toddler needs extra care. 

Physical Development

Kids are rapidly growing and their bodies are changing quickly. They need extra care to make sure they are getting the nutrients and exercise they need for proper development.

During the toddler years, which are typically defined as ages 1 to 3, children experience rapid physical growth and development. Some key aspects of physical development in kids include:

  • Gross motor skills

Toddlers develop better balance, coordination, and control of their large muscle groups, allowing them to run, jump, and climb with increasing confidence.

Fine motor skills: They also develop their dexterity and hand-eye coordination, which is crucial for tasks such as grasping objects, drawing, and manipulating small toys.

  • Physical growth

Kids grow rapidly, with their weight and height increasing at a faster rate than any other time in their life outside of infancy.

  • Sensory development

Their sense of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing continue to mature, allowing them to explore and understand the world around them more effectively.

  • Tooth development

Most children will have a full set of 20 primary (baby) teeth by the time they are 2-3 years old.

It’s important to encourage physical activity and provide opportunities for exploration and movement, as physical play is an important part of their overall development.

Emotional Development

Toddlers are still learning how to manage their emotions and may become easily frustrated or upset. They need extra care and support to help them navigate these feelings and develop healthy emotional regulation skills.

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During the toddler years, children go through significant emotional and social development. Some key aspects of emotional development in kids include:

  • Emotional expression

Kids learn to recognize and express their emotions, including joy, anger, fear, and sadness.

  • Self-awareness

They become more aware of themselves as separate individuals from their parents, and begin to develop a sense of self.

  • Temper tantrums

They may experience temper tantrums as they learn to express their emotions and communicate their needs,

Cognitive Development

Toddlers are rapidly expanding their understanding of the world around them and need extra care to help them learn and explore in a safe and supportive environment.

The cognitive development of kids, or children between the ages of 1 and 3, is characterized by rapid and significant changes in their ability to think, reason, and understand the world around them. Some key aspects of cognitive development in kids include:

  • Memory

Toddlers have rapidly improving memories, and they begin to develop long-term memory skills.

Problem-solving: They learn to solve problems by experimenting and trying different approaches.

  • Language development

Kids’s language skills develop quickly, with many children learning to speak in short sentences and express their needs and wants.

  • Imitation

They imitate the behaviors and actions of those around them, which helps them to learn and understand new concepts.

  • Curiosity

Toddlers are naturally curious, and they enjoy exploring their environment and discovering new things.

It’s important to encourage cognitive development in kids by providing stimulating and engaging learning experiences, such as reading books, playing with toys that promote problem-solving, and participating in activities that promote language development.


Toddlers are naturally curious and like to explore their surroundings. They need extra care to keep them safe from potential dangers, such as sharp objects, electrical outlets, and harmful substances.

The safety of kids is of utmost importance, as they are at an age where they are highly active and curious, but also vulnerable and prone to accidents. Some ways to ensure the safety of toddlers include:

  • Supervision

Kids should always be supervised, particularly when they are near dangerous or hazardous areas, such as stairways, pools, and busy roads.

  • Childproofing

The home should be childproofed to eliminate potential hazards, such as covering electrical outlets, securing furniture to walls, and locking cabinets and drawers containing dangerous items.

  • Car safety

Toddlers should be properly secured in a car seat that is appropriate for their age, weight, and height, and that is installed and used correctly.

  • Pool safety

If you have a pool, it should be securely fenced, with a self-latching gate that is out of reach of children. Kids should never be left alone near water, and should always be supervised by a responsible adult.

  • First aid and emergency preparedness

It’s important to be prepared for emergencies by having a first aid kit and knowing CPR, as well as having an emergency plan in place.

By taking these steps and being vigilant, you can help ensure the safety of your toddler and give yourself peace of mind.

Communication Skills

Toddlers are developing their communication skills and need extra care to help them understand and express themselves effectively.


Kids need extra care to help them learn how to interact with others and develop strong social skills. This can involve providing opportunities for playdates, enrolling them in playgroups, or simply encouraging them to interact with others.


Toddlers are still developing their tastes and preferences and may be picky eaters. They need extra care to make sure they are getting a balanced and nutritious diet to support their growth and development.


Kids need plenty of sleep to support their growth and development. They may still need naps during the day and a consistent bedtime routine can help ensure they are getting the sleep they need.

Attention and Boundaries

Kids need extra care to help them understand and respect boundaries, both physical and social. This can involve setting clear limits and boundaries, providing consistent and predictable routines, and offering positive attention and reinforcement.


Overall, toddlers need extra care and support to help them grow and develop in a safe, healthy, and positive environment. By providing this care and support, you can help ensure your toddler has the best possible foundation for a bright future.

Also, Read How Sports Can Help Improve Mental Health by Jordan Sudberg.

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