Best General Contractors in Skardu Pakistan

general contractors

If you are planning to build your house in Pakistan, you must hire the best general contractor in Skardu who will provide quality building services at an affordable price. The best way to find a low-cost contractor is by asking around or looking for reviews online.

The Skardu valley of northern Pakistan is one of the most diverse areas in terms of biodiversity. It has hundreds of medicinal plants and a number of economically important species of wild plants.


ZKB is a leading provider of construction, engineering, and consultancy services in Pakistan. Their impressive number of projects, nifty products, and excellent customer service has helped them rise to the top of their game. They have a strong team of dedicated staff and a best-in-class fleet of machinery.

They also have an eye-catching corporate identity that is sure to enthrall and impress. Besides offering a slew of innovative products and services, they also have some of the most competitive pricing in the industry.

They are a well-rounded organization with a robust, high-performance fleet of equipment and a talented team of engineers and architects to boot. Their best-in-class project management methods have allowed them to deliver quality products and services, on time, every time. In addition, their innovation and design achievements are lauded by their customers across the country and abroad. They have the right stuff to build your next big thing. Their most popular offerings include commercial, residential and industrial building construction. They are also a leader in the field of sustainable engineering and construction.


WAPDA, which is the Pakistan Water & Power Development Authority, is responsible for the maintenance and operation of dams, reservoirs, and hydropower projects in the country. It was founded in 1958 to unify the management of water and power infrastructure previously overseen by individual provincial agencies.

WAPDA is a government-owned entity and consists of three separate departments, Water, Finance, and Power, under a Chairman who has the final say over all projects related to WAPDA. These departments conduct feasibility studies on potential dams and then create engineering designs for hydropower installations.

The Authority’s work is focused on increasing the share of hydropower in Pakistan’s energy mix to address national electricity security and provide low-cost electricity for consumers. It is estimated that WAPDA’s hydropower generation can add about 9000 MW to the grid from 2022 until 2028-29, increasing the total installed capacity of the power sector by about 10 percent.

One of the most important projects being built by WAPDA is the Diamer Basha Dam. The project is expected to be completed in 2028-29, and it will provide water for agriculture, mitigate floods and generate low-cost electricity.

However, some people living near the dam have raised concerns about the impact of the construction on their lives. During an interview with ARY News, former Diamer district councilor Najeebullah said the people were being neglected in terms of jobs and compensation. He asked the WAPDA officials to take steps to ensure that locals are given priority in jobs and compensation as per international law.

He also expressed his concern over the absence of a committee to look into the issues related to the Diamer Basha Dam and the land dispute. He also called for a meeting to discuss the problems facing the residents of the district and sought immediate action.

The Diamer Basha Dam was approved in 2002 but has been under construction since 2010. In a recent report by ARY News, it was said that the project is still under construction, and the cost of building it has increased to $523 million.

Sardar Group of Companies

Sardar Group of Companies is one of the best general contractors in northern areas. Their impressive list of projects and clients is a testament to their commitment to quality and customer service. They are the best in their respective fields and will be a major player in the region for years to come. They have a proven track record of delivering superior results to their clients and have an eye for the best deal. They are known for their high standards of customer satisfaction and work with their clients to ensure that they achieve the highest level of quality and efficiency. They are a highly skilled team of professionals with over 40 years of experience. Their expertise and attention to detail make them the ideal choice for any project.

Shangrila Lake

The best general contractors in Skardu Pakistan are those that have a reputation for delivering high-quality results and being able to work on any project. They should also have the capability to deliver projects on time, even if they are under tight deadlines.

Shangrila Lake

One of the best things to do in Skardu is to visit the picturesque Shangrila lake. It’s named after the hotel that was built on its shores in the 1980s and is a must-see for those who are planning a trip to this location.

This lake is a popular spot for visitors to Skardu and is also home to a number of wildlife species, including wild ducks and yellow ducks. The lake is surrounded by mountains, and it’s a beautiful place to visit in every season.

Another must-visit destination in Skardu is the Deosai National Park. This park is one of the highest in the world, and it is well worth the trip if you want to admire the scenery.

There are several ways to get to the park, and a jeep can take you there from Skardu in a few hours. If you’re looking for a more adventurous experience, you can hike in the area for two days.

Shudu Lake is another lake near Skardu, and it’s a popular tourist spot because it’s filled with crystal-clear water. It’s teeming with a variety of fish, including “Shudu Schizothorax” that are golden and have cracks on their abdomen. They are delicious and taste delicately fresh.

Aside from its natural beauty, Shudu Lake is also a good fishing spot for anglers. The lake is stocked with largemouth bass and northern pike.

WDNR classifications:

Based upon its depth and topography, the WDNR classifies Shangrila as a deep headwater lake. This designation indicates that it receives a majority of its water supply from surface runoff and discharges most of it through an outlet stream.

The lake’s waters are typically clear and warm, and a healthy aquatic plant community is present. Some native species found include sago pondweed, muskgrass, water stargrass, and small pondweed.

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