15 Key Steps In Custom Website Design Process

Custom Website Design Process

A good website design will make your company more visible and help you to earn more money. It’s a powerful tool for marketing your business and reaching out to customers. A well-designed website can give you an edge over your competitors.

If you want a web design that fits your business needs, read the following points before the custom website design process.

Key Steps To Custom Website Design Process

1- Planning

The first step in any project is planning. You need to plan out everything before you start working on it. What do you want from your website? What do you want people to see? How will they find it? What kind of content will be there? Do we need any plugins or tools? How many pages should there be? Make sure you have the answers to these questions before planning. 

2- List Out Your Requirements

Once you have planned your website, make a list of all the things that are important for the custom website design process and put them into categories:


What kind of functionality do you want on your website? Do you want an e-commerce store? An online booking system? A blog? A contact form? Or maybe just a portfolio? All these different functions require different levels of technical expertise, so make sure you choose website design services that can deliver what you need.


What kind of content do you want on your website? Do you already have content ready or need help creating it? If so, how much help do you need?

3- Identify The Scope And Timeline

Once you have listed your requirements, assess their feasibility within the given time frame and budget constraints. If possible, reduce them to ensure that everything is achievable within the stipulated timeframe and budget.

4- Gather The Specs

The next step in the custom website design process is gathering the client’s specifications. This includes information about the business, its goals, target audience, and other pertinent details that could help determine what type of site would best suit their needs.

5- Look Into Competitor Websites

Another important step in the custom website design process is looking at similar websites to see their features and how they are organized. This step helps you understand what makes a site successful and how to adapt those features to your client’s site.

6- Create A Task Breakdown

Once all your research has been completed for the custom website design process, it’s time to create a task breakdown (also known as an SOW). This document will outline all the steps in creating a new website for your client, from start to finish.

7- Use A Content Management System

Content management systems (CMS) allow website owners to easily manage and update their websites. Many CMS are available today, but WordPress is the most popular. It’s easy to use, has a large developers and users community, and it’s free. You can find a good amount of information about WordPress on their official site at https://wordpress.org/ or Google.

8- Design And Layout

Your website’s design and layout are likely the most important part of the custom website design process. You want your website to look good, function well, and be easy for visitors and yourself. This step involves creating mockups of your pages and deciding how they will appear across all devices (mobile phones, tablets, desktops).

9- Create A Wireframe

The wireframe is a visual representation of your website’s structure and is an imperative part of the custom website design process. It helps you visualize how all the parts of your site will fit together and decide where the most important elements will be.

10- Choose The Right Colors, Images, And Videos

Color is one of the most powerful ways to communicate an emotion or feeling and is an important part of the custom website design process. It can also greatly impact how users perceive a website. Therefore, selecting the right color palette for your site is essential. Choosing too bright or too dark colors can make it hard for users to see important content on your page.

Images can help tell stories about what sets you apart from competitors, increase engagement, and drive substantial traffic to your site. Videos can do all these things too, plus they provide an opportunity for you to show off your brand personality and style!

11- Select The Right Design

This is the most important step in the custom website design process to select a design that will fit your brand, business, and audience. When selecting a design, you should consider your target audience and how they will interact with your website. For example, to appeal to millennials, you may select a modern custom website design with bright colors, vivid images, and large amounts of text. However, if you are trying to appeal to seniors or people with low vision, you might choose a simple, clean layout with large fonts and easy-to-understand content.

12- Website Development & Testing

Once you have selected the right custom website, it’s time to start the custom website design process. Website development involves creating all the pages required for your website, such as the home page, contact us page, etc. along with any other content, such as blog posts or articles that will be published regularly. Once all of these pages have been created by yourself or designers/developers, proceed with testing each page individually before finally launching it. But before launching, ensure everything works per your requirements and keep an eye on any bugs or errors that may arise during the testing phase.

13- Coding The Design Elements Into HTML/CSS Format

This is where all your custom website work comes together in the custom website design process. You have been working on a wireframe, mockup, or prototype for several weeks, and it’s finally time to create the actual website. This step is called coding, where we take all our sketches, mockups, and prototypes and turn them into a live website. To do this, we will use HTML and CSS (two types of markup languages) to build out each page of your site.

14- Test The Website In Different Browsers

Once we’ve coded everything up, we need to ensure everything works as intended on different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (among others). Often there are small bugs that only appear in one browser but not another (like Internet Explorer), so we need to test everything in each browser before moving on to the next step.

15- Add Social Media Sharing Buttons

This is a very important new feature that all websites should have. It will help build your site’s credibility and authority with search engines like Google, which will, in turn, increase your organic traffic. To do this, you must sign up for free accounts on the following social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Once these accounts are set up, you can create custom share buttons for each page that link to your site’s homepage or any other internal page.


The custom website design process is a labor of love and shows your business exactly how you want them to perceive you. A poorly designed website is like a poorly tailored suit that does not fit properly; it looks disproportionate, making the wearer look uncomfortable and generally unattractive. On the other hand, a well-designed website can make any business shine, conveying professionalism and image. So contact the latest web design agency to take your website from good to great!

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