4 Differences In Writing The Literature Review Of Masters And Phd

the Literature review

The literature review serves as a stepping stone for a dissertation. Students may need help writing a comprehensive study; therefore, they get help from the literature review writing services. Writing a literature review is an essential component of both a master’s and PhD thesis. 

Four Significant Dissimilarities Between A Phd And A Master’s Literature Review 

There are some differences in the scope, purpose, and expectations for these two levels of study.


The scope of writing a master’s literature review is typically more limited than a PhD literature review. Master’s students are expected to review the relevant literature comprehensively, but the focus may be narrower and more specific than a PhD literature review.


The purpose of writing a literature review is to provide context and background for the research question and to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the current state of knowledge in the field. 

However, writing a master’s literature review may also serve as a way to build a foundation for the research. In contrast, in a PhD thesis, the literature review is often a more in-depth analysis of the current research, focusing on identifying existing literature gaps.


The expectations for a master’s literature review may be more straightforward, focusing on summarising the existing literature and demonstrating a broad understanding of the field. 

In contrast, a PhD literature review is often expected to be more critical and analytical, focusing on identifying and synthesising the key themes and debates in the literature and pointing to directions for future research.


 A master’s literature review may be shorter than a PhD literature review, as the scope of the review is typically more limited. A master’s literature review maybe 20-40 pages, while a PhD literature review can be much longer, often over 100 pages.

Overall, the differences between a master’s and PhD literature review reflect the different expectations, scope, and purposes of these two levels of academic study. Students should know these differences when planning and writing their literature review.

How Long Does It Take To Write A Literature Review?

Writing a literature review may take some time. Still, it can vary greatly, depending on several factors, including the literature review’s size, the topic’s complexity, the writer’s speed, and the research methods used.

Typically, a literature review can take several weeks or even months to complete, depending on the amount of research and writing involved. 

For example, a literature review that is a small part of a larger research project might take a few weeks to complete. In contrast, a comprehensive literature review that forms the basis of an entire dissertation could take several months to complete.

Complexity Of The Review Takes More Time

While writing a literature review, It is important to remember that it is a complex process that requires careful planning, research, and organisation and may take longer than expected. 

It is also essential to be flexible and willing to make changes and revisions as needed as the research and writing process evolves. Generally, the best way to write a literature review is to allow enough time to do a thorough job and stay focused and organised throughout the process.

A Literature review writing service UK provides a literature review with careful planning and preparation. Thus,  helping most students complete their dissertation proposal within a reasonable time while meeting their academic standards and expectations.

Author Bio

My name is Matt Brown, and I have 15 years of professional academic writing. Currently, I am working with a prestigious organisation named Research Prospect. They provide the best literature review writing service to students all over the UK. I am working with them on the same and have helped more than 500 students in achieving their desired grades.

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