Danny Koker House: Danny Koker, also known as “The Count,” is the star of the popular reality TV show “Counting Cars” on the History Channel. The show follows Koker and his team at the Las Vegas-based custom car shop, Count’s Kustoms, as they restore and customize classic cars and motorcycles.
Beyond the cameras and his work at Count’s Kustoms, Koker is also known for his extravagant Las Vegas Danny Koker House. The mansion, often referred to as “The Count’s Castle,” is a true reflection of his love for cars and motorcycles.
The Count’s Castle is a 16,000-square-foot Mediterranean-style mansion located in the suburbs of Las Vegas. The house boasts a grand entrance with a double staircase, formal living and dining rooms, a gourmet kitchen, and a house theater.
However, the real highlight of the house is the garage, which can hold up to 60 cars and motorcycles and serves as a showroom for Koker’s impressive collection.
In addition to the garage, the Count’s Castle also features a large pool and spa, a sports court, and a putting green, as well as a full bar and lounge area.
The home is also equipped with state-of-the-art technology and security systems to keep Koker’s prized possessions safe.
The Count’s Castle is a true reflection of Koker’s passion for cars and motorcycles and serves not just as a luxurious home but also as a unique showcase for his collection.
It’s a true testament to his success and the dedication he has to the car enthusiast world.
Koker’s home is not open to the public, but fans of the show can catch a glimpse of it on “Counting Cars” and get a sense of the extravagant lifestyle he leads.