Digital Agency VS. Marketing Agency: What Are The Major Difference

marketing agency vs digital agency


Are you among those who think digital agencies or marketing agencies are the same? If yes, then you should ponder on your beliefs.

Owning a business and skeptical about with which you should team up for your marketing, whether a best creative digital agency or marketing agency?

Sit back and relax

We’ve got you covered!

In this article, you’ll learn about the different types of digital agencies to help you better understand this massive industry.

Company or Agency?

Firstly we must clarify that a company and an agency are not the same.

Let’s further explore the main differences between a company and an agency.


The company falls under the corporate world. Everyone must be more familiar with the term company as it is often depicted in  TV commercials, shows, and movies as people working in an office ultimately called a company. However, a company is a large group of people who lawfully act as a single entity. They all have a single specific goal whether to produce

or sell goods or services to other companies or individuals in the bargain.


An agency solely offers its services to other companies and individuals. People working in an agency,  known as agents, have different goals and projects.

Agencies can be of various types. For better understanding, we discussed some of the main types of agencies.

Different types of Agency

The distinct type of agencies are:

  1. Digital Agency

A digital agency typically leverages a business to establish and maintain an online existence of them to promote or sell their goods and services online.

A digital agency is a  compound term to define mostly the small-scale and focused agencies that work in the online marketing area.

  1. Digital Media Agency

a digital media agency is a one-stop solution for all online marketing. It offers a more comprehensive suite of services. Many digital media agencies can offer services ranging from SEO to graphic designing and brand development to content writing. -some even provide website development services.

  1. Digital or online marketing agency

The main motto of these agencies is to promote a business online. They offer online marketing services to businesses to create brand awareness, increase brand loyalty, and more pay-per-clicks through all social media channels.

  1. Media Agency

Many distinct types of agencies come under the umbrella of Media agency, or Media agency is a collective term that significantly refers to digital agency, creative, and media agency. Individuals related to media agencies can be any content writer, graphic designer, journalist, web designer, audio video editor, and content creator. This agency works in both the online and offline space.

  1. Social media agency

It is the most popular and in-demand agency in today’s social media world. A social media agency specifically focuses on the social media presence of your business. It will create content for social media channels.

  1. Social media marketing agency

As the name, social media marketing indicates, it is unlike social media agency that only focuses on creating content for your social media. It also builds a strategy for social media marketing campaigns best suited for your business.


  1. Creative agency and creative digital agency

It is an agency that is sometimes simply called a marketing agency. It aids businesses with their creative strategy to accomplish a goal or goals. Usually, they focus on only specific aspects such s advertising, technology solutions, strategy building, or designing.


  1. Web agency

Web agencies are working on the development and creation of a website design of the website. Sometimes a web design agency rigidly offers designing services- not development services.

  1. Marketing Agency

A marketing agency can carry forward the advertising of the business online as well as offline ways. A marketing agency specializes in bringing your business more profits and visibility (online, offline) both.

  1. Advertising Agency

They work rigidly aligned with the campaign’s concept of your business to maximize your reach and ensure ROIs. An advertising agency aids a business during the idea generation stage at the beginning of your advertising campaign. Not only this, it assists you with their multiple services at the different stages of marketing throughout your advertising journey.

Services a digital company typically offers

A digital agency runs by a group of digital workers who are specialized in working with modern technology, methods, and techniques to target a global audience.

The list of services a digital agency may provide includes:

  1. Strategy services

  • Market analysis
  • competitive analysis
  • Advertising strategy
  • Content creation strategy
  • Branding strategy
  1. Marketing services

  • Social media marketing campaign
  • Content creation
  • lead generation
  • SEO
  • Branding
  1. Design services

  • UI & UX designs
  • User testing
  • Graphic Designing
  • Animations
  • Website design
  1. Development services

  • Website development
  • CRM implementation
  • Web Maintenance
  • Web hosting

Services A Marketing Agency Offers

  • Marketing agency aids businesses in implementing and managing strategies and operations of marketing to accomplish their goals.
  • A marketing agency works to pinpoint marketing strategies that promise the best results and will maximize ROIs.
  • A marketing agency implements advertising solutions such as executing and managing marketing campaigns for clients.
  • A marketing agency evaluates results and puts efforts to use this data to improve advertising campaigns.

What makes a good digital or marketing agency

The following attributes make an agency considerable and help the agency to stand out among the competitors.

  1. Open communication and collaboration

Any agency can become better than anyone else with open communication with the clients. A client knows his company or nature of business well. It is crucial to keep your client involved in the whole process. A good agency helps businesses to analyze their competitive advantage.

  1. Trust

Some businesses while looking for a pleasing agency to partner with focus on finding a trustable agency. The nature of some industries urges to maintain trust. For Instance,  In medical businesses the risk of leaking patients’ sensitive data is high.

Therefore, it is mandatory for a digital or marketing agency to maintain trust.

  1. Adaptability

A good agency constantly adapts new ideas and techniques to ensure the client brand’s voice is yet existing.

  1. Conflict Resolution

When a dispute arises, a good agency should initiate and make efforts to resolve the conflict.

To avoid conflicts both parties ( the client and the agency) must have transparent goals. A good agency should frequently approach its clients to share their thoughts and feedback.

  1. Quality Time

It is highly significant to give adequate time to listen to your clients to ensure you and the client are on the same page.

Wrap up

There are many agencies in today’s marketing world, and it is critical to analyze which one your business needs. Every agency possesses significant expertise in its niches and provides valuable services to boost any business. Some digital agencies are particularly fantastic in promotional strategies, while other marketing agencies can assess you with their guidance and support across the broad spectrum of advertising.

It is a fact that every business needs the services of a digital or marketing agency to sustain itself in the market and to leverage competitive advantage. We hope that the article will help you choose the best digital agency or marketing agency that is best suited for your business.

Also, Read: What Is The Importance Of Online CLaases

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