Eco-Friendly Driving: How To Make Your Automotive Lifestyle More Sustainable

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and now humans understand better than ever how seemingly insignificant choices that people make impact the environment. Eco-friendly driving is about more than your emissions. Discover tips that can help you be a “greener” driver.

Vehicle Selection

Sustainable driving starts with the vehicle you choose. While a much older vehicle might cost less up front, the decision usually proves more expensive to your budget and the planet over the long run.

For example, cars from years ago tend to have higher emissions than even modern gas-powered vehicles. Most manufacturers have now committed themselves to sustainability and ensure that their automobiles perform above and beyond the emissions standards that many states impose.

Newer cars also have better fuel efficiency, saving the earth’s resources and providing you savings at the pump. While purchasing a used car could be a sustainable choice in some instances, check whether something like a new Nissan for sale might not be a lower total cost to you and the environment. 

Routine Maintenance

When you take care of your vehicle by following the manufacturer-recommended maintenance, it will operate properly and run more efficiently. Regular oil changes and replacing your filters keep your engine from working too hard and producing excess emissions.

Maintenance also helps your car’s components to last longer, so you add less waste to the environment because you don’t have to discard as many parts. When you do have to throw away parts after doing your own upkeep, follow local laws and dispose of items properly. For example, only discard oil, antifreeze, and batteries at the appropriate facilities to avoid harming local habitats.

Even something as simple as keeping your tires at the right pressure contributes to the environment. The wrong tire pressure could reduce your gas mileage, needlessly wasting fuel.

Eco-Friendly Driving Practices

Once you’re ready to hit the road, drive in a way that supports sustainability. You can start by planning your trips to reduce your environmental impact. 

For example, schedule your weekly routine to be more efficient by combining your errands instead of taking multiple short trips. Plan your routine to avoid bouncing around town.

You can also carpool when possible for work and school. Avoid idling the car as well. If you’re going to sit and chat with someone, consider turning the engine off if the temperature allows it or going inside to converse.

While on the road, refrain from rapid acceleration and sudden stops. Aggressive driving not only burns more fuel but also puts more wear and tear on your car, requiring more maintenance, repairs, and replacements. 

Finally, don’t load your car down with unnecessary items. The more weight your car carries, the lower your gas mileage and the greater strain on your vehicle. Take time at the end of each day and week to clean out and organize your car.

The Benefits of Sustainable Driving Choices

You don’t have to make all of these changes overnight, but gradual adjustments to your automotive lifestyle will make a big difference over time. When everyone does their part to be eco-conscious, the environment, your health, and even your finances benefit.

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