Four Steps to Change: How to make effective change at work




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I know I want to change… Yet every time I set a goal and decide to change, I seem to get distracted or lose sight of the end point. It never seems to work the way I planned.

How can you change something? You know how to set goals. You even have a framework for that: SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Tangible. Set up your goals with this framework as well. You get specific and say you want to better attend team meetings to have more influence on decisions. You produce a measurable result by saying that your ideas will be accepted in an upcoming meeting. You see this as achievable; You know your ideas are good. It’s a realistic goal and there will be tangible benefits for you and your team when it comes to pass.

What’s the problem? Why have you set this goal for the third time? You may not have a plan to make this change. I have no idea how to become more effective in meetings. No idea how to influence others in a group setting. And no way of knowing if you’re even doing the things you’re trying to do effectively. How can you achieve this without a new approach? You can not.

You can’t do that without a plan. Just as you need a plan or framework to set goals, you need a framework to achieve those goals. Just setting a goal never achieves anything. You must act. But this action needs a direction and a plan of its own to become a reality.

Changes mechanical: A plan for change

The steps are simple.

First you must have predicted what you need to know. Need a book or course? Do you need a mentor or coach? Do you need to talk to like-minded people? Are there tools that help? Whatever is needed must be identified and found. In the following case, you may need a coach to help you find effective ways to interact in groups, and learning about communication skills can be helpful. (Depending on the particular circumstances, other things may be required, these are for illustration purposes only.)

The second step is to put the information, tools or what you have learned into action. You have to test the new ideas. This step is all about practice. It’s now time to get your new game on the road. In this case, you become more interactive in the meeting; You present your ideas and propose solutions.

The third step is all about feedback. Without feedback, you don’t know how your performance went. Feedback is your measurement of results. Part of the feedback will be a self-assessment of the results. You will check the actual result of the exercise – the successful actions. In this case, you evaluate your results in terms of ideas presented, ideas accepted, and ideas implemented. Another part of the feedback can be a discussion with a coach who has reviewed the successful actions and the results achieved. In the case we’re following, there’s an opportunity to talk to a colleague before the meeting and bite that person, note what you’re going to do differently in the meeting, and then bring it up at the end of the meeting.

The fourth step is to use the feedback information to determine if YOU will return to steps one or two & or if the desired results have been achieved and YOU can check the completed box next to that objective. If you need more practice, go back to step two and practice until you get the result you want. If more information or tools are needed, go back to step one and start again.

The steps

1) Get the information or tools used.
2) Put this into action – Practice the new techniques. 3) Get feedback on the results. 4) Make corrections, get new information, practice more or get the results you want and call the goal complete!

Use these steps for any type of change. The example was behavior change; However, the same framework or set of steps works for any type of personal change. If you want to become more strategic, you could first find a mentor and then start practicing that person’s counseling. Then YOU evaluate the fritzbox gebraucht results yourself and ask your mentor for feedback. Based on these insights, you might get more mentorship, practice more, or declare yourself a strategy guru.

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