How to Check if Your Car Needs a Software Update

How to Check if Your Car Needs a Software Update (4)

For many people, the only thing they think about when it comes to their car is how to get it washed and waxed. But there’s a lot more to your car than meets the eye. In fact, there’s a lot of hidden data that can be accessed through special tools in order to make sure that your car is running properly. This can include checking for software updates or making sure that your engine isn’t having any issues with fuel consumption.

Check the Manufacturer’s Website

The first step to finding out if your car needs a software update is to check the manufacturer’s website. Look for a section that has information about software updates, and then search through the different pages until you find one that looks like it could be relevant to your car model (e.g., “2018 Ford Mustang”). If there isn’t an obvious place to look for this information on their website, try searching using keywords like “software update” or “firmware” as well as any other details about your vehicle–for example:

  • Model year + make/model number + VIN number (this will allow you know if there are any recalls related specifically with your vehicle). For example:
  • Googling “[your make] [year] recall”

Check for a Service Light

If your car has a service light, it means that there is an update available for your vehicle. You can check for these updates by going to the manufacturer’s website and downloading their app or software. If you don’t have access to the internet, you can still check for updates by pressing on the brake pedal and holding it down while turning on your car (this will force a check).

If no service lights appear after checking both ways, then there isn’t anything wrong with your software at this time.

Use a Professional Diagnostic Tool

If you’re looking for a more thorough solution, then a professional diagnostic tool is the way to go. These can be expensive and complicated to use, but they are also effective at getting down to the root cause of your problem.

A professional diagnostic tool will allow you to check all of your car’s systems at once–from its engine to its transmission–and see exactly what needs fixing. You can even compare this information with other cars that have had similar problems so that it’s easy for mechanics like us here at [your mechanic shop] who specialize in automotive repair services near me!

If your car has an issue that is related to software, software updates are necessary.

If your car has an issue that is related to software, software updates are necessary. Software updates can prevent problems and make your car perform better. They’re also free and easy to install.

For example: In 2017, Ford issued a safety recall because some of its cars’ electronic key fobs were at risk of being hacked by thieves who could then open doors or start the engine remotely by sending a signal from up to 100 feet away with an inexpensive device purchased online. The company offered free replacement fobs for affected owners until March 2019; however if you still have one in use today–or if you had one replaced during this time period but didn’t dispose of it properly–it might still be vulnerable!


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of software updates for your car. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (800) 555-1234. We’re here 24/7!

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