How To Stay Motivated

Work Hard For success:

Now, these were very challenging puzzles but regardless of how well each child did he or she was told that they scored very well and that they did better than most of the other kids afterward half of these students were told that they scored high because they worked hard while the other half were told that it was all because they were smart and gifted then they presented each student with three more types of puzzles to work on easy one’s medium difficulty ones. You may also read: cmi assignment help uk

Levels of motivation:

Extremely challenging ones and what they found was very interesting the students who were told that they did well because they were smart spent the majority of their time on the easy puzzles they spent almost no time on the extremely challenging puzzles and spent much less time overall trying to solve any of the puzzles which was a sign of lower levels of motivation and to top it all off when asked whether or not they enjoyed the experiment they said that it wasn’t that fun for them, on the other hand, the students who were told that they did well because they worked hard spent the majority of their time focused on the harder puzzles they also spent a lot more time overall attempting to solve any of the puzzles which was a sign of an increase in levels of motivation and to top it all off after the experiment they said that they actually enjoyed the entire experience.only last a week before quitting see you need to be an extremely motivated individual to be able to face hundreds and hundreds of rejections every single day before someone even considers buying something from you now over time I was able to develop a keen eye for who would actually last who I should spend more time

Locus of control:

so what can we learn from this study well there’s a concept called the locus of control which is essentially the degree to which you believe you have control over your life the kids who were told that they did well because they were smart and gifted were led to believe in what’s called an external locus of control they were led to believe that factors outside of what they could control where the reason they did well right you can’t control whether or not you’re born smart on the other hand the kids were told they did well because they worked hard started to believe in what’s called an internal locus of control they believed that it was factors they controlled that led to their outcomes it was their hard work and their extra effort. that allowed them to do well on the puzzles right because how much work you put into something is something that you have complete control over now studies on the locus of control like this one have found time and time again that having an internal locus of control is the key to staying motivated you. Must feel like you have control over your life and that you are responsible for the things that happen to you if you want to feel motivated all of the time I saw this happen with my own eyes back in the day when I was in charge of a sales team this wasn’t retail sales or car sales this was old-school door-to-door sales which has one of the highest turnover rates most people



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