Manjaro vs Ubuntu: Which Linux Distro Have Good Performance

As the Linux family becomes more populated, discussing which Linux distribution performs better becomes more critical. Most users face the dilemma of choosing between Linux distributions when they enter the large Linux family. Choosing between Linux distributions is one of the most challenging decisions because Linux distributions do not have obvious and fundamental differences from each other, they differ from each other in detail, and they can easily be replaced with each other, this is where the power and beauty of Linux stand out. Most Linux distributions are free and evolving, and modern features have been implemented in some new distributions. You should choose the right distribution according to your needs and goals after getting to know the features of different Linux distributions.

Choosing between Ubuntu and Manjaro is another challenging decision for many users. The majority of Linux users likely have experience using Ubuntu, as it is one of the most popular and well-known Linux distributions for server and desktop use. Manjaro, which is based on Arch Linux, is a newer distribution than Ubuntu. As a result, it is expected that Manjaro will offer a better ecosystem compared to Ubuntu, while Ubuntu still has many fans due to its features and stability.

Linux users who buy Linux VPS for different purposes, in addition to looking for cheap Linux VPS, choosing the best Linux distribution for their needs is important to them. Therefore, comparing Linux distributions can be a good guide for Linux users in deciding between different Linux distributions. In this guide, we will compare Ubuntu vs Manjaro so that you can make a suitable choice for your needs by checking their key differences. Read this guide till the end to see which one wins in the competition between Ubuntu and Manjaro.

Ubuntu vs. Manjaro: Which is better?

Ubuntu is one of the most famous Linux distributions that was designed and released in 2004 based on Debian and has managed to attract many fans. Manjaro is a simple, fast, user-friendly, and desktop-oriented distribution based on ArchLinux. It may be a question for many users, what are the differences between Ubuntu and Manjaro? Which is the most suitable distribution for our goals? Can Manjaro make Ubuntu less popular and be an ideal alternative to Ubuntu or not?

In the following, you will get to know the key differences between Ubuntu and Manjaro, and at the end of the article, you will make the right decision between Ubuntu and Manjaro.



When it comes to stability, Ubuntu shines. Because Ubuntu focuses on reliability and stability. The regular release cycle and availability of the interim version (with 9 months of support) and LTS (with 5 years of support) of Ubuntu is a confirmation of the importance of stability for Ubuntu. If you use LTS versions of Ubuntu, you don’t need to update and change for 5 years, and this is what users interested in stability want.

Therefore, with Ubuntu, you will stay away from possible risks and bugs with each update, but on the other hand, if you are interested in using the latest software and features, Manjaro can meet your needs. Because Manjaro follows the rolling release development model and will provide the latest software versions and the newest features. So it can be concluded that Ubuntu is more stable than Manjaro.

 It should be noted that continuous updating will not necessarily be accompanied by risk and failure, but it is better to be careful.

Desktop environments

As a supporter of Ubuntu, Canonical launched Ubuntu by providing the GNOME desktop environment as default. But Ubuntu is not deprived of other desktop environments. if needed, Ubuntu users can enjoy official Ubuntu flavors such as KDE, Budgie, LXQt, MATE, and XFCE on top of Ubuntu because, in addition to GNOME, Ubuntu supports various desktop environments. Manjaro supports the three official versions of XFCE, KDE, and GNOME, it can be said that there is no fundamental difference between Ubuntu and Manjaro in desktop environments. In both Linux distributions, it provides users with the ability to move between different Linux environments.

Software Ecosystem

Ubuntu and Manjaro do not have much competition in supporting essential and functional programs, all Linux distributions provide essential programs to users by default. In comparison between the Ubuntu package manager which is APT/Snap and the Manjaro package manager which is Pamac, the Manjaro package manager is superior in terms of management speed. Another advantage of Manjaro is the provision of pre-installed Flatpak to users. In addition, Manjaro supports AUR (Arch User Repository) and makes it possible to access various libraries from official community programs. As a result, Manjaro provides users with a wider variety of software compared to Ubuntu.


By default, Ubuntu and Manjaro provide essential programs such as a browser, email client, etc., but Manjaro, following the valuable feature of Arch Linux (DIY), provides more limited pre-installed programs and leaves everything to the user. Therefore, using Manjaro will be more difficult for beginner Linux users.

With years of efforts to improve the GUI and be more user-friendly, Ubuntu’s customized GNOME has provided the possibility to customize various aspects such as adding highlight colors in Ubuntu LTS, but it failed against Manjaro in the field of customization. Manjaro offers users more control in customization, choosing designs and options, so if you are looking for a distribution that offers more facilities for customization, Manjaro is a great choice.

Ease of use

Ease of use is an important advantage for Linux novice users, and in this comparison, Ubuntu wins because Ubuntu was developed with a focus on ease of use. By providing a wide range of pre-installed programs, Ubuntu has removed the task of installing essential programs from users. Ubuntu, with its design based on the compatibility of hardware and software, is focused on the trouble-free use of non-professional Linux users; while Manjaro is used to experience and familiarize users with Arch Linux so that they can be prepared to use Arch Linux. For users who have no experience with Linux, Manjaro will not be suitable.

Manjaro or Ubuntu? Which one is the winner of this competition?

Choosing between Linux distributions has always been difficult because they are not fundamentally different from each other, but each has its fans. Also, each Linux distribution is developed to meet specific needs. Therefore, we cannot declare the winner of the competition between Manjaro and Ubuntu, you should choose the right distribution based on your needs and preferences. In the comparisons between Ubuntu and Manjaro, we conclude that if you prefer stability over being up-to-date and have no experience using Linux, and are looking for an easy-to-use distribution, Ubuntu is ideal for you. But if speed and customization are important to you and you have become an expert in using Linux, Manjaro is undoubtedly the best option for your needs.

If you still haven’t succeeded in choosing between Manjaro and Ubuntu, read the Ubuntu vs Manjaro article with the link:Ubuntu vs. Manjaro.





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