Rare Plants


Buying Rare Plants can be a hugely satisfying experience. However, it’s important to be careful about what you purchase. You don’t want to buy something that isn’t worth the money, or that won’t grow well in your garden.

Rafflesia Arnoldii

The Rafflesia Arnoldii, also known as the corpse lily, is a plant that can grow up to three feet wide and weigh over eleven kilograms. It is native to Indonesia and grows in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.

Rafflesia is a member of the spurge family. Several species of this plant grow in the jungles of Southeast Asia. However, they are not commonly seen.

Rafflesia flowers are among the largest flowering plants in the world. They bloom once every few years, and they are considered a pest because they attract carrion-feeding flies. These flies help the plant by pollinating the seeds. In addition, Rafflesia is an extremely parasitic plant, which means that it gets its nutrients from its host vine.

Queen Anthurium

Queen Anthurium is a plant that is native to tropical rainforests in Colombia. Its leaves are usually dark green with a hint of copper. There are several varieties of this plant. Some varieties, such as Esmeralda, are lighter in color.

While Queen Anthurium is often grown indoors, it is also very hardy and can thrive outdoors. If you are planning to grow your own, you’ll need to know some tips for caring for it.

In order to keep your Queen Anthurium healthy, it is important to water it thoroughly. You can do this using a hose or a watering can. The amount of water you will need to give the plant depends on its size. Smaller plants can handle as much as two cups of water, but larger plants may need more.

Monstera Aurea Variegata

If you want a Monstera plant that is very rare, try the Monstera Aurea. It is a tropical plant that can grow in both indoors and outdoors.

While the plant is not very common, it is still quite stunning. You can find Monstera Aurea plants online or through a gardening store.

Like other Monsteras, it is a tropical plant that requires bright light and moderate temperatures. Ideally, it should be placed outside during warm summer months. During the colder winter months, it should be brought inside. The best window for the plant is an east-facing window.

Since this Monstera variegated is not as widely sold as other Monsteras, it can be quite expensive. However, it is relatively easy to grow.

Encephalartos Woodii

Wood’s Cycad is a unique species that is native to the Ngoye Forest in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This cycad was named after John Medley Wood, a merchant sailor and botanist who discovered it.

The cycad can grow up to 6 metres in length, with over 50 to 150 leaves. In the wild, the cycad has no natural counterpart. It can be found in botanical gardens around the world.

A large specimen of the cycad is held at the Durban Botanic Garden. It is estimated to have a trunk circumference of two metres, and weighs about 2.5 tonnes.

There are a number of other specimens in various collections in South Africa. However, the only one ever found in the wild is the one held at the Kew Gardens.

Wollemi pine

The Wollemi pine is a rare and endangered plant. A member of the family Araucariaceae, it has an unusual and bubbly bark.

The tree can grow to 40 meters tall. It has three types of foliage. In cold weather, it’s leaves change to a dark bronze color.

Wollemi Pines are classified as critically endangered species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List. In Australia, Wollemi Pines are protected by law. They can be planted in tubs, planters, and open ground. For the first few years, they should be grown in half shade.

The bark of older trees is covered with numerous spongy nodules. This is because they self-coppice, a natural defense against damage from fire and other natural disasters.

Philodendron White Princess

If you’re looking for an exotic houseplant with white variegation, then the Philodendron White Princess is for you. This variety of the genus is unique in that it has a heart-shaped leaf with white markings. The plant is known for its friendly nature, and many people claim that the leaves can remove toxins from the air.

Philodendron ‘White Princess’ is a hardy houseplant that requires minimal care. It grows well in medium to high humidity levels. However, it does not like to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Despite the fact that it can be hard to find, the Philodendron White Princess is a popular houseplant that can be grown in many locations. In addition, it’s also a fast-growing plant.

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