Unilever to proceed producing teabags after Sariwangi bankrupt

Unilever to proceed producing teabags after Sariwangi bankrupt (3)

Unilever Indonesia will continue producing tea bags of its classic brand Lipton after PT Sariwangi Andalan Tbk, a packaging producer for Lipton tea bags, went bankrupt. Unilever is searching for other packaging producers to keep its target of daily production of 8 million packets, Iwan Setiawan, corporate communications manager at Unilever Indonesia said on Tuesday (10/05). “We have been looking for other packaging producers to keep our target of daily production of 8 million packets,” he said on Tuesday. Unilever also produces 10 million packets of Brooke Bond and P.B.O mixtures daily, he said.

Unilever Indonesia will continue producing tea bags of its classic brand Lipton after PT Sariwangi Andalan Tbk, a packaging producer for Lipton tea bags, went bankrupt.

Unilever Indonesia will continue producing tea bags of its classic brand Lipton after PT Sariwangi Andalan Tbk, a packaging producer for Lipton tea bags, went bankrupt.

PT Sariwangi Andalan was acquired by Unilever in 2004 and the company had been producing Lipton products since then. The factory’s warehouse was damaged due to the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu and Donggala on September 28.

Unilever Indonesia corporate communications manager Iwan Setiawan said that his firm would ensure the supply of Lipton tea bags in the Indonesian market.

Unilever Indonesia corporate communications manager Iwan Setiawan said that his firm would ensure the supply of Lipton tea bags in the Indonesian market.

“We have been looking for other packaging producers, but we still haven’t found a replacement for Sariwangi,” he said as quoted by kontan.co.id on Tuesday (12/10).

“We have been looking for other packaging producers to keep our target of daily production of 8 million packets,” he said on Tuesday.

“We have been looking for other packaging producers to keep our target of daily production of 8 million packets,” he said on Tuesday.

Unilever produces 10 million packets of Brooke Bond and P.B.O mixtures daily, which will stay in the market despite Sariwangi’s bankruptcy and closure, he said.

Sariwangi was declared bankrupt after it failed to pay its liabilities amounting to Rp 113 billion ($8 million).

Unilever also produces 10 million packets of Brooke Bond and P.B.O mixtures daily, he said.

Unilever also produces 10 million packets of Brooke Bond and P.B.O mixtures daily, he said.

The production volume of teabags based on the Sariwangi plant was cut down to only 600 kg per day, which means that a total of 20 million packets were sold by Unilever in Indonesia last year.

The Jakarta Commercial Court has declared Sariwangi bankrupt after it failed to pay its liabilities.

The Jakarta Commercial Court has declared Sariwangi bankrupt after it failed to pay its liabilities.

Sariwangi was responsible for producing packaging for Unilever Indonesia, which is a subsidiary of Unilever’s tea segment.

According to Unilever Indonesia CEO Sandro Sambarini, the company will continue producing teabags along with other Indonesian producers in order to keep its target of daily production at 8 million packets per day.


The Jakarta Commercial Court has declared Sariwangi bankrupt after it failed to pay its liabilities.` Sariwangi was responsible for producing packaging for Unilever Indonesia, which is a subsidiary of Unilever’s tea segment. According to Unilever Indonesia CEO Sandro Sambarini, the company will continue producing teabags along with other Indonesian producers in order to keep its target of daily production at 8 million packets per day. Sariwangi was responsible for producing packaging for Unilever Indonesia, which is a subsidiary of Unilever’s tea segment. According to Unilever Indonesia CEO Sandro Sambarini, the company will continue producing teabags along with other Indonesian producers in order to keep its target of daily production at 8 million packets per day.

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